ENGAGE App Capturing Health Data

The AWR Engage App has been developed to help create engagement within the company.

The App encourage employees to share their news, engage with companywide initiatives, punch in/ out and recently, employees can compete with one another based on a newly developed health module, allowing the app to have access to a range of health activities and data.

The Engage App is compatible with Apple and Android devices, through Apple Health and Google Fit. This data is processed in the server, to enable the employee to fully utilize the app through taking the data from their devices. Apple Watches, Fit Bit’s and other smart watches are also able to sync to the app, if health data is already shared with the device.

After updating to the Engage (version 7.0) is complete, users will be prompted to select their preference of location data and a health data page will appear. Users have full control over the information shared with the app and can select or deselect the data that they wish to be used.

The main features that are utilized for Engage are:

  • Steps
  • Location Tracking
  • Energy Consumed
  • Weight
  • Distance Traveled
  • Heart Rate

Location tracking is mandatory for Grade 5 employees or below, as they cannot punch in or out if their location is not within 300m of their working environment.

The health data is used to rank employees on their activities through a 7-day period, compared to their peers.

Employees have all rights to reserve their data and specifically what is shared to others. To switch or update employee data preferences, employees can simply access this through their profile.